PHP Classes

bib_errors: Log and process errors of PHP scripts

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2006-07-04 (10 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStar 59%Total: 1,495 This week: 1All time: 2,530 This week: 1,047Up
Version License Categories
bib_errors 1.0FreewareDebug, Logging
Description Author

This class can be used to intercept runtime errors of PHP scripts.

It registers a PHP error handler function that outputs the details about the errors to a given log file.

The errors may also be displayed as part of the current script output or sent by a given e-mail address to let the site administration or developer react promptly.

Now has been update to be compatible with PHP5 and the new variables declaration.

Picture of Fabrizio Parrella
Name: Fabrizio Parrella <contact>
Classes: 8 packages by
Country: United States United States
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x

to use the class, just include the file in your script. You can declare few variables or change the variables in the file:

$_cfg['admin_email']    //this address will receive the email (default is the server_admin)
$_cfg['code']           //a code that you assign to the website (default is the server_name)
$_cfg['show_errors']    //if show the errors on the page or not (default from php.ini)
$_cfg['log_errors']     //if you want or not log the errors (this will overwrite php.ini- default from php.ini)
$_cfg['error_log']      //where the logfile is (this will overwrite php.ini - default from php.ini)
$_cfg['email_errors']   //if you want to receive an email for each error

you can also define a function that you want to user to log errors in a database or something else this function is called ONLY if log_errors = 1 leave it empty if you do not have any LOG functions.
the class will be called passing some 3 parameters:
 - $error_text = text of the error
 - $type='notice' or 'warning' or 'error'

in this case I pass a function that is in the $bibivu class, called 'write_log' previously declared.

$f_error_log = array($bibivu,'write_log');   //$bibivu->write_log($test,$type);

you can also pass a normal function, example, to call the function "write_log" that is not into a class:
$f_error_log = 'write_log';

this is an example of configuration (that is also the default used in the class):

if(!isset($_cfg['admin_email']))	$_cfg['admin_email']	= $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'];		//this address will receive a copy of the email
if(!isset($_cfg['code']))			$_cfg['code']			= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
if(!isset($_cfg['show_errors']))	$_cfg['show_errors']	= ini_get('display_errors');	//if show the errors on the page or not
if(!isset($_cfg['log_errors']))		$_cfg['log_errors']		= ini_get('log_errors');		//if log the errors in a file or not
if(!isset($_cfg['error_log']))		$_cfg['error_log']		= ini_get('error_log');			//file log
//if(!isset($_cfg['error_log']))		$_cfg['error_log']		= $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/error.log';		//file log
if(!isset($_cfg['email_errors']))	$_cfg['email_errors']	= '1';
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