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Monolog Quill: Log security events to Chronicle using Monolog

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2022-08-01 (8 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 13 This week: 7All time: 10,941 This week: 18Up
Version License PHP version Categories
monolog-quill 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...5PHP 5, Web services, Logging, Security


Paragon Initiative Enterprises


This package can log security events to Chronicle using Monolog.

It provides a handler class that can process log entries passed to Monolog.

The Monolog handler class forwards the log entry information to a Chronicle server using a Quill class.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2023
Chronicle is an application that can store arbitrary data in an encrypted container.

A Chronicle instance can be made available over a network using client and server components like Gossamer and Quill.

This package provides a handler for the Monolog logging class to allow developers to log events in their applications securely by accessing a Chronicle instance via a Quill client.

This way, this package can help store logging information in a secure container that runs in a separate network machine is possible.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Scott Arciszewski
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 28x

Winner: 1x




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Requires PHP 7.1 or newer.

Want to use Monolog to write security events to a Chronicle?

This library uses Quill to transcribe log messages to a Chronicle instance. This can be a public or private Chronicle.


composer require paragonie/monolog-quill



use Monolog\Logger;
use ParagonIE\MonologQuill\QuillHandler;
use ParagonIE\Quill\Quill;
use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64UrlSafe;
use ParagonIE\Sapient\CryptographyKeys\{

// Create a Quill for writing data to the Chronicle instance 
$quill = (new Quill())
        new SigningPublicKey(
    ->setClientID('Your Client ID provided by the Chronicle here')
        new SigningSecretKey('/Loaded from the filesystem or something./')

// Push the Handler to Monolog
$log = new Logger('security');
$handler = (new QuillHandler($quill, Logger::ALERT));

// Now security events will be logged in your Chronicle
    'User bob logged in at ' .
    ((new DateTime())->format(\DateTime::ATOM))

Encrypted Message Logging

Simply pass an instance of SealingPublicKey or SharedEncryptionKey to the handler, via the setEncryptionKey() method, to encrypt log messages.

    new SealingPublicKey('/Loaded from the filesystem or something./')

Encrypted Message Logging - Complete Example


use Monolog\Logger;
use ParagonIE\MonologQuill\QuillHandler;
use ParagonIE\Quill\Quill;
use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64UrlSafe;
use ParagonIE\Sapient\CryptographyKeys\{

// Create a Quill for writing data to the Chronicle instance 
$quill = (new Quill())
        new SigningPublicKey(
    ->setClientID('Your Client ID provided by the Chronicle here')
        new SigningSecretKey('/Loaded from the filesystem or something./')

// Push the Handler to Monolog
$log = new Logger('security');
$handler = (new QuillHandler($quill, Logger::ALERT));

// Set this to an instance of SealingPublicKey or SharedEncryptionKey:
    new SealingPublicKey('/Loaded from the filesystem or something./')


// Now security events will be logged in your Chronicle
    'User bob logged in at ' .
    ((new DateTime())->format(\DateTime::ATOM))
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