PHP Classes

Basic PHP Bulk Email Queue System: Queue messages in a database to be delivered later

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Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
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angeldromelibs 1.0.0Freely Distributable7Email, PHP 5, Databases


This package can be used to queue email messages in a database to be delivered later.

It can take email messages to be delivered and stores them in a database.

The messages can be delivered later using a background process eventually started by the cron program.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2020
Number 8
Many applications need to deliver newsletters or other types of email messages to many users at once.

This package provides a solution that can perform bulk email operations. It uses a local database queue to store the messages to be delivered. Then it can process all queued mailings by sending the email messages to their recipients.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Sriram
Name: Sriram <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: India India
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x




    if (
php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
$lg = new Logger();
    } else {
header("Location: index.php");


Some core libs that can be used for app development.

Angeldrome Libs

A very minimal queuing system for asynchronous email sending and db write. Can be extended for logger among other similar IO and response delay operations.

This is very much in incubation as now. Am using SQLite for db as now and pretty much can be turned into anything that suits.

Code works, tested email sending and db writes and logger store. All went good.

Cron dependencies are there. such as 1. Please check src/Com/Angeldrome/Shells/Cron.php on how to use for email async. 2. DBResume.php can be used via cron as well (code is in src/Com/Angeldrome/Shells/ directory).

 This is used in case the db write failed in an earlier instancelike timeout or anything.
 Lib writes such records in a flat text file, and this Cron Shell can get the record and push to db.

Will improve this readme at a later time.

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