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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Base/Update.php
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<?php namespace RedUNIT\Base; use RedUNIT\Base as Base; use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R; use RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException; use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter as QueryWriter; use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\AQueryWriter as AQueryWriter; use RedBeanPHP\Logger\RDefault as Logger; /** * Update * * Tests basic update functionality - however this test suite * has grown to cover various other scenarios involving updates as * well, including setting of property filters (necessary for * spatial tools in MySQL), storiging INF value and more... * * @file RedUNIT/Base/Update.php * @desc Tests basic storage features through OODB class. * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community * @license New BSD/GPLv2 * * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community. * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled * with this source code in the file license.txt. */ class Update extends Base { /** * Tests whether no unncessary DESCRIBE-queries are executed, * (Commit 3b8ce88e5b796bfde6485ab0a51a4fcfb1bcf0fa by davidsickmiller). * Even thtough we add 2 properties, only 1 DESCRIBE query is necessary * to load the column cache. */ public function testModifySchemaColCache() { R::nuke(); $toolbox = R::getToolbox(); $repository = $toolbox->getRedBean()->getCurrentRepository(); $database = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase(); $logger = new Logger; $database->setLogger( $logger ); $bean = R::dispense('bean'); $bean->property1 = 'test'; $bean->property2 = 'test'; //should not cause 2nd DESCRIBE. R::startLogging(); R::store( $bean ); $logger = R::getLogger(); asrt( count( $logger->grep('DESCRIBE') ) + count( $logger->grep('SELECT column_name') ) + count( $logger->grep('SHOW COLUMNS') ) + //CUBRID count( $logger->grep('PRAGMA table_info') ) , 1); R::stopLogging(); //new round, same results, no cache between beans R::nuke(); $bean = R::dispense('bean'); $bean->property1 = 'test'; $bean->property2 = 'test'; //should not cause 2nd DESCRIBE. R::startLogging(); R::store( $bean ); $logger = R::getLogger(); asrt( count( $logger->grep('DESCRIBE') ) + count( $logger->grep('SELECT column_name') ) + count( $logger->grep('SHOW COLUMNS') ) + //CUBRID count( $logger->grep('PRAGMA table_info') ) , 1); R::stopLogging(); } /** * Test whether we can use SQL filters and * whether they are being applied properly for * different types of SELECT queries in the QueryWriter. */ public function testSQLFilters() { R::nuke(); AQueryWriter::setSQLFilters(array( QueryWriter::C_SQLFILTER_READ => array( 'book' => array( 'title' => ' LOWER(book.title) '), ), QueryWriter::C_SQLFILTER_WRITE => array( 'book' => array( 'title' => ' UPPER(?) '), ), )); $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->title = 'story'; R::store( $book ); asrt( R::getCell( 'SELECT title FROM book WHERE id = ?', array( $book->id ) ), 'STORY' ); $book = $book->fresh(); asrt( $book->title, 'story' ); $library = R::dispense( 'library' ); $library->sharedBookList[] = $book; R::store( $library ); $library = $library->fresh(); $books = $library->sharedBookList; $book = reset( $books ); asrt( $book->title, 'story' ); $otherBook = R::dispense('book'); $otherBook->sharedBook[] = $book; R::store( $otherBook ); $otherBook = $otherBook->fresh(); $books = $otherBook->sharedBookList; $book = reset( $books ); asrt( $book->title, 'story' ); $links = $book->ownBookBookList; $link = reset( $links ); $link->shelf = 'x13'; AQueryWriter::setSQLFilters(array( QueryWriter::C_SQLFILTER_READ => array( 'book' => array( 'title' => ' LOWER(book.title) '), 'book_book' => array( 'shelf' => ' LOWER(book_book.shelf) '), ), QueryWriter::C_SQLFILTER_WRITE => array( 'book' => array( 'title' => ' UPPER(?) '), 'book_book' => array( 'shelf' => ' UPPER(?) ') ), )); R::store( $link ); asrt( R::getCell( 'SELECT shelf FROM book_book WHERE id = ?', array( $link->id ) ), 'X13' ); $otherBook = $otherBook->fresh(); unset($book->sharedBookList[$otherBook->id]); R::store( $book ); AQueryWriter::setSQLFilters(array()); } /** * Test unsetting properties. * * @return void */ public function testUnsetUpdate() { R::nuke(); $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->name = 'x'; $book->price = 40; R::store( $book ); $book = $book->fresh(); $book->name = 'y'; unset( $book->name ); R::store( $book ); $book = $book->fresh(); asrt( $book->name, 'x' ); asrt( (int) $book->price, 40 ); $book->price = 30; R::store( $book ); $book = $book->fresh(); asrt( $book->name, 'x' ); asrt( (int) $book->price, 30 ); $book->price = 20; unset( $book->price ); $book->name = 'y'; R::store( $book ); $book = $book->fresh(); asrt( $book->name, 'y' ); asrt( (int) $book->price, 30 ); } /** * Tests whether we can update or unset a parent bean * with an alias without having to use fetchAs and * without loading the aliased bean causing table-not-found * errors. */ public function testUpdatingParentBeansWithAliases() { testpack( 'Test updating parent beans with aliases' ); R::nuke(); $trans = R::dispense( 'transaction' ); $seller = R::dispense( 'user' ); $trans->seller = $seller; $id = R::store( $trans ); R::freeze( TRUE ); $trans = R::load( 'transaction', $id ); //should not try to load seller, should not require fetchAs(). try { $trans->seller = R::dispense( 'user' ); pass(); } catch( Exception $e ) { fail(); } $trans = R::load( 'transaction', $id ); //same for unset... try { unset( $trans->seller ); pass(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { fail(); } R::freeze( FALSE ); $account = R::dispense( 'user' ); asrt( count( $account->alias( 'seller' )->ownTransaction ), 0 ); $account->alias( 'seller' )->ownTransaction = R::dispense( 'transaction', 10 ); $account->alias( 'boo' ); //try to trick me... $id = R::store( $account ); R::freeze( TRUE ); $account = R::load( 'user', $id ); asrt( count( $account->alias( 'seller' )->ownTransaction ), 10 ); //you cannot unset a list unset( $account->alias( 'seller' )->ownTransaction ); $id = R::store( $account ); $account = R::load( 'user', $id ); asrt( count( $account->alias( 'seller' )->ownTransaction ), 10 ); $account->alias( 'seller' )->ownTransaction = array(); $id = R::store( $account ); $account = R::load( 'user', $id ); asrt(count($account->alias( 'seller' )->ownTransaction), 0 ); asrt(count($account->ownTransaction), 0 ); R::freeze( FALSE ); //but also make sure we don't cause extra column issue #335 R::nuke(); $building = R::dispense('building'); $village = R::dispense('village'); $building->village = $village; R::store($building); $building = $building->fresh(); $building->village = NULL; R::store($building); $building = $building->fresh(); $columns = R::inspect('building'); asrt( isset( $columns['village'] ), FALSE ); asrt( isset( $building->village ), FALSE ); R::nuke(); $building = R::dispense('building'); $village = R::dispense('village'); $building->village = $village; R::store($building); $building = $building->fresh(); unset($building->village); R::store($building); $building = $building->fresh(); $columns = R::inspect('building'); asrt( isset( $columns['village'] ), FALSE ); asrt( isset( $building->village ), FALSE ); $building = R::dispense('building'); $village = R::dispense('village'); $building->village = $village; R::store($building); $building = $building->fresh(); $building->village = FALSE; R::store($building); $building = $building->fresh(); $columns = R::inspect('building'); asrt( isset( $columns['village'] ), FALSE ); asrt( isset( $building->village ), FALSE ); } /** * All kinds of tests for basic CRUD. * * Does the data survive? * * @return void */ public function testUpdatingBeans() { testpack( 'Test basic support UUID/override ID default value' ); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); R::store( $bean ); if ($this->currentlyActiveDriverID === 'mysql') { //otherwise UTF8 causes index overflow in mysql: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes R::exec('alter table bean modify column id char(3);'); } else { R::getWriter()->widenColumn( 'bean', 'id', R::getWriter()->scanType( 'abc' ) ); } $bean->id = 'abc'; R::store( $bean ); asrt( $bean->id, 'abc' ); testpack( 'Test Update' ); try { R::store( array() ); fail(); } catch ( RedException $e ) { pass(); } $toolbox = R::getToolBox(); $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter(); $writer = $toolbox->getWriter(); $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean(); $pdo = $adapter->getDatabase(); $page = $redbean->dispense( "page" ); $page->name = "old name"; $id = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $page->getMeta( 'tainted' ), FALSE ); $page->setAttr( 'name', "new name" ); asrt( $page->getMeta( 'tainted' ), TRUE ); $id = $redbean->store( $page ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); // Null should == NULL after saving $page->rating = NULL; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); asrt( ( $page->rating === NULL ), TRUE ); asrt( !$page->rating, TRUE ); $page->rating = FALSE; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $newid, $id ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); asrt( (bool) $page->rating, FALSE ); asrt( ( $page->rating == FALSE ), TRUE ); asrt( !$page->rating, TRUE ); $page->rating = TRUE; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $newid, $id ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); asrt( (bool) $page->rating, TRUE ); asrt( ( $page->rating == TRUE ), TRUE ); asrt( ( $page->rating == TRUE ), TRUE ); $page->rating = NULL; R::store( $page ); $page = R::load( 'page', $page->id ); asrt( $page->rating, NULL ); $page->rating = '1'; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $newid, $id ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); asrt( $page->rating, "1" ); $page->rating = "0"; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $page->rating, "0" ); $page->rating = 0; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $page->rating, 0 ); $page->rating = "0"; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $newid, $id ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); asrt( !$page->rating, TRUE ); asrt( ( $page->rating == 0 ), TRUE ); asrt( ( $page->rating == FALSE ), TRUE ); $page->rating = 5; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $newid, $id ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); asrt( strval( $page->rating ), "5" ); $page->rating = 300; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $newid, $id ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); asrt( strval( $page->rating ), "300" ); $page->rating = -2; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $newid, $id ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); asrt( strval( $page->rating ), "-2" ); $page->rating = 2.5; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $newid, $id ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); asrt( ( $page->rating == 2.5 ), TRUE ); $page->rating = -3.3; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $newid, $id ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); asrt( ( $page->rating == -3.3 ), TRUE ); $page->rating = "good"; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $newid, $id ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); asrt( $page->rating, "good" ); $longtext = str_repeat( 'great! because..', 100 ); $page->rating = $longtext; $newid = $redbean->store( $page ); asrt( $newid, $id ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->name, "new name" ); asrt( $page->rating, $longtext ); // Test leading zeros $numAsString = "0001"; $page->numasstring = $numAsString; $redbean->store( $page ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->numasstring, "0001" ); $page->numnotstring = "0.123"; $redbean->store( $page ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->numnotstring == 0.123, TRUE ); $page->numasstring2 = "00.123"; $redbean->store( $page ); $page = $redbean->load( "page", $id ); asrt( $page->numasstring2, "00.123" ); try { $redbean->trash( array() ); fail(); } catch ( RedException $e ) { pass(); } $redbean->trash( $page ); asrt( (int) $pdo->GetCell( "SELECT count(*) FROM page" ), 0 ); } /** * Tests whether empty strings are preserved as such. * * @return void */ public function testEmptyStringShouldNotBeStoredAsInteger() { R::nuke(); $bean = R::dispense('bean'); $bean->str = ''; R::store($bean); $bean = $bean->fresh(); asrt( ( $bean->str === '' ), TRUE); } /** * Test handling of infinity values. * * @return void */ public function testStoringInf() { R::nuke(); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->inf = INF; R::store( $bean ); $bean = $bean->fresh(); asrt( ( $bean->inf === 'INF' ), TRUE ); asrt( ( $bean->inf == 'INF' ), TRUE ); $bean->modifyme = 'yes'; R::store( $bean ); $bean = $bean->fresh(); asrt( ( $bean->inf === 'INF' ), TRUE ); asrt( ( $bean->inf == 'INF' ), TRUE ); $bean->modifyme = 'yes'; } }