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File: demo2.php

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  Classes of Grigori Kochanov   gCurl   demo2.php   Download  
File: demo2.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: See headers and cookies of the response
Class: gCurl
Perform HTTP requests using Curl
Author: By
Last change: Accessible without user login
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 1,630 bytes



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 * See the headers and cookies of the HTTP response
//Include library
//initialize the class
$curl = new gCurl('');
//execute the HTTP request
$response = $curl->exec();
}catch (
gksException $E){
$message = $E->getLogMessage();

 * Cookies are parsed and represented as an array:
 * array (
 * 'name' => 'PREF',
 * 'value' => 'ID=b49b10c435c55014:TM=1199581228:LM=1199581228:S=hXaNi8AR8vNlHx52',
 * 'expires' => '2010-01-05 03:10:23',
 * 'path' => '/',
 * 'domain' => '',
 * 'secure' => NULL,
 * 'expires_ts' => 1262653823,
 * 'expires_gmt' => 'Tue, 05-Jan-2010 01:10:23 GMT',
 * );
 * 'expires' is a value of an 'Expires' parameter in a local time zone
 * 'expires_ts' is a unix timestamp in local time
 * 'expires_gmt' is an original value of an 'Expires' parameter (should be GMT by spec)

//see the headers received
echo '<br>Headers: <br>';

 * Headers are organized both in an associative array and a numeric one.
 * You can access headers by number and by name:
 * $response->headers[2] or
 * $response->headers['cache-control'][0]
 * Remember, there may be several headers with the same name.
 * When referring the header by name the values are stored as a numeric sub-array.
