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File: docs/Internals/Traits/
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: sapient
Add a security layer to server to server requests
Author: By
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Date: 7 years ago
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String Sugar

These methods take an HTTP request or repsonse object (containing an encrypted or authenticated message) and a cryptography key and return a string containing the (unencrypted) message body.

The methods here only verify or decrypt.

If you're looking for ways to encrypt or sign, that's adapter-specific (since it has to create a Vendor\Specific\Request or Vendor\Specific\Response object), so look at the adapter you're using to see if it's implemented.


decryptStringRequestWithSharedKey() / decryptStringResponseWithSharedKey()

Function prototypes:

function decryptStringRequestWithSharedKey(
    RequestInterface $request,
    SharedEncryptionKey $key
): string;

function decryptStringResponseWithSharedKey(
    ResponseInterface $response,
    SharedEncryptionKey $key
): string;

Similar to the shared-key decryption methods in Sapient, except they return a string rather than a RequestInterface or ResponseInterface.

unsealStringRequest() / unsealStringResponse()

Function prototypes:

function unsealStringRequest(
    RequestInterface $request,
    SealingSecretKey $secretKey
): string;

function unsealStringResponse(
    ResponseInterface $response,
    SealingSecretKey $secretKey
): string;

Similar to the unsealing methods in Sapient, except they return a string rather than a RequestInterface or ResponseInterface.

verifyAuthenticatedStringRequest() / verifyAuthenticatedStringResponse()

Function prototypes:

function verifyAuthenticatedStringRequest(
    RequestInterface $request,
    SharedAuthenticationKey $key
): string;

function verifyAuthenticatedStringResponse(
    ResponseInterface $response,
    SharedAuthenticationKey $key
): string;

Similar to the shared-key auth verification methods in Sapient, except they return a string rather than a RequestInterface or ResponseInterface.

verifySignedStringRequest() / verifySignedStringResponse()

Function prototypes:

function verifySignedStringRequest(
     RequestInterface $request,
     SigningPublicKey $publicKey
 ): string;

function verifySignedStringResponse(
     ResponseInterface $response,
     SigningPublicKey $publicKey
 ): string;

Similar to the signature verification methods in Sapient, except they return a string rather than a RequestInterface or ResponseInterface.