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File: docs/Internals/Adapter/
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: sapient
Add a security layer to server to server requests
Author: By
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 3,686 bytes



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Adapter: Convenience Features

The ConvenienceInterface specifies a bunch of method prototypes for creating Request and Response objects specific to your framework's PSR-7 implementation.

Interface Methods

createSymmetricAuthenticatedJsonRequest() / createSymmetricAuthenticatedJsonResponse()

function createSymmetricAuthenticatedJsonRequest(
    string $method,
    string $uri,
    array $arrayToJsonify,
    SharedAuthenticationKey $key,
    array $headers = []
): RequestInterface;

function createSymmetricAuthenticatedJsonResponse(
    int $status,
    array $arrayToJsonify,
    SharedAuthenticationKey $key,
    array $headers = [],
    string $version = '1.1'
): ResponseInterface;

function createSymmetricEncryptedJsonRequest(
    string $method,
    string $uri,
    array $arrayToJsonify,
    SharedEncryptionKey $key,
    array $headers = []
): RequestInterface;

function createSymmetricEncryptedJsonResponse(
    int $status,
    array $arrayToJsonify,
    SharedEncryptionKey $key,
    array $headers = [],
    string $version = '1.1'
): ResponseInterface;

createSealedJsonRequest() / createSealedJsonResponse()

function createSealedJsonRequest(
    string $method,
    string $uri,
    array $arrayToJsonify,
    SealingPublicKey $key,
    array $headers = []
): RequestInterface;

function createSealedJsonResponse(
    int $status,
    array $arrayToJsonify,
    SealingPublicKey $key,
    array $headers = [],
    string $version = '1.1'
): ResponseInterface;

createSignedJsonRequest() / createSignedJsonResponse()

function createSignedJsonRequest(
    string $method,
    string $uri,
    array $arrayToJsonify,
    SigningSecretKey $key,
    array $headers = []
): RequestInterface;

public function createSignedJsonResponse(
    int $status,
    array $arrayToJsonify,
    SigningSecretKey $key,
    array $headers = [],
    string $version = '1.1'
): ResponseInterface;

createSymmetricAuthenticatedRequest() / createSymmetricAuthenticatedResponse()

public function createSymmetricAuthenticatedRequest(
    string $method,
    string $uri,
    string $body,
    SharedAuthenticationKey $key,
    array $headers = []
): RequestInterface;

public function createSymmetricAuthenticatedResponse(
    int $status,
    string $body,
    SharedAuthenticationKey $key,
    array $headers = [],
    string $version = '1.1'
): ResponseInterface;

createSymmetricEncryptedRequest() / createSymmetricEncryptedResponse()

function createSymmetricEncryptedRequest(
    string $method,
    string $uri,
    string $body,
    SharedEncryptionKey $key,
    array $headers = []
): RequestInterface;

function createSymmetricEncryptedResponse(
    int $status,
    string $body,
    SharedEncryptionKey $key,
    array $headers = [],
    string $version = '1.1'
): ResponseInterface;

createSealedRequest() / createSealedResponse()

function createSealedRequest(
    string $method,
    string $uri,
    string $body,
    SealingPublicKey $key,
    array $headers = []
): RequestInterface;

function createSealedResponse(
    int $status,
    string $body,
    SealingPublicKey $key,
    array $headers = [],
    string $version = '1.1'
): ResponseInterface;

createSignedRequest() / createSignedResponse()

function createSignedRequest(
    string $method,
    string $uri,
    string $body,
    SigningSecretKey $key,
    array $headers = []
): RequestInterface;

function createSignedResponse(
    int $status,
    string $body,
    SigningSecretKey $key,
    array $headers = [],
    string $version = '1.1'